
Features & applications:PCT (Saturated Test)
Saturated Pressure Cooker Test Chamber (PCT chamber)
PC-Ⅲ Series

Operability and functionality are improved further. The SⅢ type has a pre-heating system.

The PC-Ⅲ series PCT chambers can be used in a wide range of fields, such as:moisture resistance evaluation of new materials, comparison test during development, storage test of electronic parts, identification of defective lots, surface treatment evaluation tests for lead pins, materials, plated parts, etc., and accelerated deterioration test for various paint-related materials. Test conditions of 100℃ and 100% RH are also possible.

[ Model line up ]

PC-305Ⅲ / PC-305SⅢ / PC-3011Ⅲ
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Compact Saturated Pressure Cooker Test Chamber (PCT chamber)
PC-242HS Series

Saturated pressure cooker downsized to almost same size as household microwave oven

The PC-242HS series PCT chambers can be used in a wide range of fields, such as: moisture resistance evaluation of new materials, comparison test during development, storage test of electronic parts, identification of defective lots, surface treatment evaluation tests for lead pins, materials, plated parts, etc., and accelerated deterioration test for various paint-related materials. Test conditions of 100℃ and 100%RH are also possible.

[ Model line up ]

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